Whisper launches "DREAM #LIKEAGIRL" for the fifth year
Collaborating with Watsons HK to promote girls to live authentically and pursue dreams confidently
During adolescence, girls' self-confidence and mental health are most affected1. With low self-confidence, girls are less eager to attend school and socialize. For girls to live freely and pursue own dreams bravely, better self-understanding and improving confidence are the keys. P&G's feminine care brand, Whisper, joins hands with Watsons Hong Kong and Inspiring Girls Hong Kong for the fifth year of Dream #LikeAGirl campaign to help girls embrace their true selves, and confidently actualize dreams. Dream #LikeAGirl campaign this year invites singer-songwriter Serrini Leung Ka-yan to voice out for all HK girls. Throughout her own journey of woman empowerment, Serrini has been actively advocating girl power and encouraging everyone to bravely define own purposes. The campaign calls for abundant resources from multiple parties. In addition to Whisper's product donation to Inspiring Girls Hong Kong, donation boxes are also set up in Watsons stores in Hong Kong for customers to donate and support Hong Kong girls’ confidence-building. Whisper aspires to end gender stereotyping in Hong Kong and empower girls’ free and confident development.

Photo 1: Whisper launches "DREAM #LIKEAGIRL" for the fifth year
Whisper collaborates with Watsons HK and Inspiring Girls HK to address the low self-confidence of young girls
Whisper not only serves as the most comfortable support for girls on period, but it also aims to enable girls to achieve all possibility and live up to themselves with confidence. Research suggests that during adolescence, girls suffer a huge blow on self-confidence and mental health1. Low self-confidence reduces willingness to go to study and socialize.
To take the first step to actualize a dream, one has to accept oneself and feel confident. Four years ago, Whisper launched Dream #LikeAGirl campaign to raise Hong Kong society's awareness of women development and role models, and advocated that girls pursue own dreams unrestricted by society's values. Five years into this campaign, Dream #LikeAGirl supports Inspiring Girls Hong Kong in promoting confidence-building and role model workshop at schools, helping more than 1,000 girls to live up to own dreams. Whisper also partners with Watsons Hong Kong, encouraging consumers to convert purchase during campaign period into product donations. This year, Hong Kong singer-songwriter Serrini Leung Ka-yan, who is passionate about promoting female autonomy, shares her story of staying true to herself and helps to spread the spirit of Dream #LikeAGirl to younger girls in Hong Kong.
Ines Gafsi, Regional Chairman of Inspiring Girls Hong Kong, said, "Partnering with Watsons Hong Kong and Whisper for Dream #LikeAGirl is a milestone in promoting awareness of girls' rights and development in the Hong Kong community. We aim to nurture confidence and promote diversity among young girls aged 10-18. By raising their aspirations and encouraging them to pursue higher goals in life, our confidence training at schools and by female role model connections from different industries empower girls to develop their unlimited potential.”
Every Purchase uplifts Confidence of Girls in Hong Kong
From now until December 1, 2022, Whisper donates $1 worth of Whisper products to Inspiring Girls Hong Kong for every purchase of $50 + Whisper products at Watsons Hong Kong stores and online stores. From 14th November to 1st December 2022, donation boxes are also set up at all Watsons stores in Hong Kong. All proceeds would be donated to Inspiring Girls Hong Kong to encourage girls confidence building.
1 https://www.always.com/en-us/tips-and-advice/the-talk/puberty-changes-keeping-her-confident

Photo 2: Purchase Whisper products in Watsons to support DREAM #LIKEAGIRL